AlpacaDB, Inc. التطبيقات

Alpaca Dashboard 3.0
AlpacaDB, Inc.
You need your API Key ID & Secret Key to use this app.ManageYour Algorithms View your performance and buying power Seethestatus of all positions and all orders for the day EasilyTakeAction Take emergency actions, including canceling ordersandliquidating positions Manually enable/disable your account’sAPIaccess Manually place trades to buy/sell stocksDisclosuresBrokerage services by Alpaca Securities LLC ("Alpaca"),memberFINRA/SIPC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AlpacaDB, Inc.Brokerageservices are provided to customers who can writeautomatedinvestment code and self direct their own investments.This is notan offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy orsellsecurities, or open a brokerage account in any jurisdictionwhereAlpaca is not registered (Alpaca is registered only in theUnitedStates). The Paper Trading API is offered by AlpacaDB, Inc.anddoes not require real money or permit a user to transact inrealsecurities in the market. Providing use of the Paper TradingAPI isnot an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities,securitiesderivative or futures products of any kind, or any typeof tradingor investment advice, recommendation or strategy, givenor in anymanner endorsed by AlpacaDB, Inc. or any AlpacaDB, Inc.affiliateMarket prices, data and other information availablethrough Alpacaare not warranted as to completeness or accuracy andare subject tochange without notice. System response and accountaccess times mayvary due to a variety of factors, including tradingvolumes, marketconditions, system performance, and other factors. Amore completedescription of the impact these factors may have canbe found inour risks of automated trading systems section. Allinvestmentsinvolve risk and the past performance of financialproduct does notguarantee future results or returns. Note thatwhilediversification may help spread risk it does not assure aprofit,or protect against loss, in a down market. There is alwaysthepotential of losing money when you invest in financialproducts.Investors should consider their investment objectives andriskscarefully before investing. There are risks unique toautomatedtrading algorithms that you should know about and planfor. Youshould setup a method or system of continuous monitoringoralerting to let you know if there is a mechanical failure, suchasconnectivity issues, power loss, a computer crash, or systemquirk.You should also monitor for instances where your automatedtradingsystem experiences anomalies that could result in errant,missing,or duplicated orders. A more complete description of theseandother risks can be found in our FAQ section. ETFs can entailriskssimilar to direct stock ownership, including market, sector,orindustry risks. Some ETFs may involve international risk,currencyrisk, commodity risk, and interest rate risk. Tradingprices maynot reflect the net asset value of the underlyingsecurities. Allaccounts are opened as margin accounts but do notallow marginloans or short selling. You will be required to takespecific stepsat the time these are allowed in your account. Youshould know thatmargin trading involves interest charges and risks,including thepotential to lose more than deposited or the need todepositadditional collateral in a falling market. Before usingmargin,customers must determine whether this type of tradingstrategy isright for them given their specific investmentobjectives,experience, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Formoreinformation see Alpaca’s Margin Disclosure Statement andMarginAgreement. These disclosures contain information onAlpaca’slending policies, interest charges, and the risksassociated withmargin accounts. Commission Free trading means thatthere are nocommission charges for Alpaca self-directed individualcashbrokerage accounts that trade U.S. listed securities throughanAPI. Relevant SEC and FINRA fees may apply.